The Art of Feminine Softness
Are you interested in nurturing the part of you that celebrates and enhances the beauty of womanhood?
This 21 day journey is designed for you to embrace more of your feminine design.
"She who puts her presence in the room of prayer, knows her greatest asset is her art."
Learning to reconnect with your femininity is a need in this world. Choosing to embody heart nakedness all while giving up your toughness, is an act of rebellion.
A woman in her radiance is a reclamation.
A woman secure in her divine design is unstoppable.
A woman in her strength(ability to receive the masculine) is the antidote.
The feminine is an art and that art shows up differently for everyone. Throughout the 21 audio lessons, I included various tools and habits that help you nurture your femininity.
Your femininity is not measured by your relationship status, your makeup or what you wear. Your authentic expressions are welcome in this space.
A woman's femininity flows from her heart, mind and essence alone.
This is all about communing with life and love in a way that brings you ease.
Are you ready?
Your Day 1 starts with the understanding that you are God's masterpiece while Day 21 ends with reflecting on your story as a woman of vibrancy in this world. Each audio speaks to the various facets and versions of the feminine.
It's time to shine your light and be proud of the space you occupy in a new way.
What the women have said:
- I share poems related to feminine embodiment in 90% of the audio lessons!
Let's rise sister. Your self-paced journey starts now. <3
Receive 21 Audio Lessons tailored to embracing your feminine design. This is for the women who are inspired by interdependence, secure relating and love. Each audio lesson encompasses tools, poems and content designed to aid you on your journey. Each individual audio lesson ranges between 10 - 17 minutes. Receive and listen to them on your own timing!